Donate to support Resilient West Portal

Resilient West Portal Logo

Resilient West Portal (RWP) is a group of neighbors who are here to reach out to others in and around our neighborhood who need a helping hand during an emergency. They organized originally to offer NERT training and help coordinate disaster relief efforts in the event of an earthquake or fire in the West Portal area, but evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide a wide array of assistance and volunteer opportunities.

The Greater West Portal Neighborhood Association is a long-established non-profit [501(c)3] acting as the “fiscal agent” for RWP. As such, GWPNA accepts and routes your whole donation directly to RWP.

You can donate in any amount, or even create a recurring donation. You do not need a PayPal account in order to donate to RWP using a credit card. PayPal does not share any of your payment details (i.e. credit card number or bank account information) with either GWPNA or RWP.